Okay quick list.
- Sincere apologies for not having written for some while.
- Last Saturday ( Well I think it was ) I went on a day trip with sister, friends and acquaintances to and back an engagement event in Kuala Lumpur. Lovely day, all in all. Just splendid. Also found and bought the little blue dress I have been waiting for since forever for RM30.
- I've started next year's syllabus on Chemistry and Physics but I don't think I'm progressing as much as I thought I'd be. I suppose I'll see how it goes.
- I am right now, in this moment, aspiring to watch or read 'Perks of being a Wallflower'. I'm downloading the soundtrack, reading movie quotes and just, ~.
- I've created a Deviantart account and I've got 15 feedback messages just within 20 hours and I'm half-ecstatic.
- I'm going to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow for three days. Cannot wait to get new books. I'm stocking up this time, people.
- Not for the first time, I wish I could put down in words all these feelings I'm feeling. I've read a lot of other works of people writing down their feelings and god I wish I could write like them. Maybe I could immortalize that feeling, then. Wouldn't that be wonderful.
- Happy Raya, people. I may not be religious but I always appreciate extra holidays.
upload a pic of your cute lil dress on here! ;)
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