Sunday, 16 June 2013

22 Things

  1. There’s a difference between being agreeable and agreeing to everything. 
  2. Resist the urge to explain yourself.
  3. “Because it was there,” is an okay reason to climb a mountain, but not a very good reason to take a job or a free sample at the supermarket.
  4. When you’re not trying to fit in, you’re free to stand out.
  5. Different isn’t always better, but better is always different.
  6. When asking for what you want, frame it so that it sounds like what everyone wants and desperately needs—they’ll get a sense of ownership and you’ll get a win.
  7. Give yourself time to think so the time you spend doing things will be better spent.
  8. say "I believe in this". A god, a plan, a company, a person, an idea—you have to put your faith in something. 
  9. say "I can do better."
  10. The ability to learn is the foundation of every other talent.
  11. Own what you’ve worked to create—that’s how your presence will be felt long after you’re gone.
  12. Consider the impotence of never saying you’ll try.
  13. There’s a layer of proud ownership over everything you possess that wasn’t merely given to you.
  14. Where you’re going often matters far less than the enthusiasm you have for the trip.
  15. You are not a bulletpoint list of accomplishments.
  16. You are not a bulletpoint list of mistakes. 
  17. The emotion the separates a joy or a chore and powerful action from a feeble attempt is enthusiasm. You either have it, or you’re miserable.
  18. If you can’t figure out why you’re doing something, you probably shouldn’t do it.
  19. The question, “What should I be when I grow up?” is wrong. Ask instead, “What is next today?” People become fat one bite at a time, and we become adults one hour at a time, so what we do today matters.
  20. Unless you try on the outfit, you’ll never know if it fits. Do the same with vocations, avocations, hobbies and skills. You’ll need to sample every flavor to know your true favorite taste.
  21. Say yes to the things that intrigue you, instead of the ones that bore you.
  22. Don’t confuse a job with a purpose. If you are working to support your family, they are your real bosses. If you are working to further a goal or idea, don’t let your paycheck (however plump it is) become an obstacle to it.

Quotes from Jessica Hagy on


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