I wrote a blog post, after weeks or months long hiatus, I'm writing my first post of 2013.
In points because frankly I don't care to write an essay.
In points because frankly I don't care to write an essay.
- I drew this and my friend volunteered to color it. Yet to be finished, but I believe my friend will pull it off, and when he does, I'll go around posting it everywhere for all to see.
- I've got the Tennis District Games next week which I hope to do well. I hope I do.
- I've got, in my opinion, the ugliest class in all of my history of classes, and it's going to win a lot of certificates this year for being the prettiest because I'm in charge of decorating it and it. shall. be. Grand.
- Jelly came last week and we hung out not twice, not thrice, but once.
- I have been watching quite a lot of anime the last few weeks. Ergo Proxy, Clannad, Code Gease. Oh. Okay. Three. Three animes. All of them are just marvelous. :)
- Blood + (another anime) has this lovely song - Diva's song. It's stuck in my head right now and it's a very majestically lovely song.
- I took science stream, with Chemistry, goddamn Physics, Add Maths and Biology in my list. Now that I've started learning Physics, it can honestly go to hell.
- Biology and Chemistry and Add Maths are moderately enjoyable though.
- English is as easy as ever. :/
- I'm afraid that I'm writing all this right now and not last week or next week is because I'm procrastinating from doing this V.I.Paperwork that I need to send in early tomorrow. For some reason, I'm scared of even thinking about it. Not shitting my pants or anything. Just this tugging sensation of annoying fear. Huff. Me and my ever odd feelings.
- Overall, things are going fine. When I think to pray to god, I can't think of anything to ask. I mean, I can't ask him to increase my productivity or get rid of my laziness or something. I can do that on my own if I will myself to. So, no, I don't have anything to ask for. Kind of means that my life is okay right now. Not palpably thriving nor down in the dumps. Just of this shaky little straight line being fine as it is.
- I did, however, plan to be quite active this year. As so I am this week which leaves me tad bit tired at times. School ends at 5.20PM every Tuesday and Wednesday, did you know? Bullshittie, right?
- I joined the English Club. The first meeting was very hopeful. I also joined the Athletic's Club which was moderately enjoyable. Rather than last year in which I skipped most of the meetings in my last clubs.
- I suppose I should be doing my work now. Can't procrastinate for so long, can I ? It looks like the list has turned into some sort of an essay. Yet there are so many more things to say that I'll be leaving unspoken. Even if it is just because I'm really to lazy to recount all the interesting things that has happened in my period of absence.
Bonne nuit.
You think he'll finish colouring the picture? Damn straight he would.
damn gay he would.
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